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Test of Proficiency in the Korean Language (TOPIK)

This examination aims to set the right Korean Language learning path for overseas Koreans and foreigners who do not speak Korean as their mother tongue and promote the use of the Korean language. The result of the evaluation can also be used for local university applications as well as employment purposes. 

Who are eligible to take 'TOPIK
1. Overseas Koreans and foreigners who do not speak Korean as their mother tongue 
2. Those learning the Korean language and those with intentions to apply to local universities. 
3. Those with an intention to join/work for domestic/overseas Korean companies and public organizations. 
4. Koreans who study or graduated overseas. 

The validity of ‘TOPIK’ :Valid for two(2) years after the announcement of examination results. 














National Institute for International Education (NIIED), Ministry of Education. 

Usability of examination 
1. University admission and academic management of foreign Korean Government Scholars. 
2. Local university admission for foreigners and overseas Koreans who have completed 12 years of education abroad. 
3. Obtaining a working visa for those who want to be employed at Korean companies, and serving as a standard for selecting and managing the employees. 
4. Recognizing domestic practitioner licenses for foreigners with medical doctor qualifications. 
5. Application for the Korean Language Teaching Qualification test (levels 2 and 3) and acquisition of a certificate. 
6.  Acquisition of permanent residency rights. 
7.  Application for the issuance of a marriage-based immigrant visa. 

For more information about TOPIK, please go to TOPIK - click OR Korean Embassy Sydney or Korean School WA: 0402796959

Test Center: Perth: Korean School of Western Australia: Mount Lawley Senior High School, 65 Woodsome St Mt Lawley WA 

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호주 한국어능력시험 공고


한국어능력시험은 한국어를 모국어로 하지 않는 외국인 및 재외동포들에게 한국어 학습방향을 제시하고 한국어 보급을 확대하며, 그들의 한국어 사용능력을 측정하여 그 결과를 유학,취업 등에 활용케 하는데 목적이 있습니다. 
1. 시험일 및 시험 시간 2024년 10월 12일 (토) 
TOPIK I : 1교시 (듣기 읽기) 09:10 - 11:10 
TOPIK II : 1교시 (듣기 쓰기) 12:20 - 14:20 / 2교시 (읽기) 14:50 - 16:00 

2. 응시수수료 및 지불 방법 
가. 응시수수료 - TOPIK I : $40,  TOPIK II : $45 
나. 응시수수료 지불 방법 
  - 온라인 

Account Name: TOPIK, Korean Education Centre

Bank: NAB

BSB: 082-057

Account Number: 83-469-1370

3. 시험장소  
Please bring along your IC (e.g. driver's license) & pen(s). Please follow the signboards from the main entrance or the car park.
  - 서부호주한글학교 : Mount Lawley Senior High School, 65 Woodsome St Mt Lawley WA 6050

4. 온라인 응시원서 접수  (접수 기간: 6월 28일 ~7월 25일)
가. 응시원서 접수 
  - 시드니한국교육원 홈페이지  -->  'TOPIK online application'  
  - 기출문제(Past test papers)는 클릭 ! ‘ Before 2023 papers - click

나. 접수마감: 8월 1일                    발표: 11월 30일

다. 응시수수료 송부처 OR click for "Register through Sydney Korean Embassy"!
    주시드니총영사관 한국교육원 
    Korean Education Centre - Consulate General of the Republic of Korea 
    Suite 601, 287 Elizabeth St Sydney 2000 
    Tel: 02-9261-8033

How to Apply from Perth? 


Step 1: Right Click & choose the test place and application for KLCEC students

Step 2: Fill in your details
If you are KLCEC student, please write KLCEC Perth in the form.

Step 3: Confirm your details
You will receive the confirmation note by email so please keep it.
Note: Bring your IC (Identification Card), pencil, and your application number which you can print out from the website.


TOPIK Workshop - KLCEC

For KLCEC students: Please contact                               Certifications:

Workshop dates will be given to KLCEC students only in early Sept.


Enrol now

Please enrol by filling out the form below.

Alternatively, I can be contacted with the following details:

Ms. Ebony BAE H.K. at KLCEC

Mobile: 0425 377 889 (Text 1st)

Please share your language background if any.

Thanks for submitting!

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