Enrolment Dates 24/2025
Once a week
8 weeks in class + Zoom Online classes/term basis
1 Offline(in-person) session (2 hours) & check out the On-line class - click
Level test is required if you join above 101(M1).
NOTE: ITM: Intermediate ADV: Advance SNU: Seoul National University
In-House (company) tailor-made course: Please contact ebonybaehk@gmail.com
TOPIK (Sept. & Oct.) & Events (Mar. & Sept.) : www.KLCIP.com
Online Zoom lessons (revision) are given to only current KLCEC students.
All courses are 2 hours/week for 8 weeks, except Post Advance Level 5,6: 1.5 hours for 8 weeks.
2025 Off dates: 27, 29 Jan., 1,3 Mar., 2 Jun.
Textbooks: SNU (Seoul National University)
Please check before registration for opening dates and venues. Students will be notified in advance should classroom schedules or venues change subject to booking availability. Most classes are fully booked a month before the first class so please submit your enrollment form in advance to avoid disappointment. Minimum students to open a class is 8.
The venue for the classes: South Perth Learning Center